Monday, April 20, 2009

Frayed Laces Does The Boston:

My favorite running blogger/runner, Frayed Laces, just completed the 113th running of the Boston Marathon in 4:42:36.

If you think that is not fast, I will tell you that she is a 3:38 marathon runner, ( You have to be fast to even qualify for Boston ) but had to overcome multiple injuries and adversity just to finish this race, and at one point leading up to race day was convinced she might not even finish, but was going to come from Hawaii to give it a shot anyway.

The range of emotions this lady has had to endure have run the gamut, from crying to elation.

But I think it is the wide range of personality traits that makes her one of my favorite bloggers.

She is sort of like a nuclear reactor, capable of putting out tremendous energy, but with the possibility of a meltdown always there.

I won't sit here and say "I knew she could do it," like some people say after a fact, because I really didn't know.

Much can go wrong in a marathon even when you are in perfect shape.

But now she earns a finisher's medal, in the most prestigious race in the history of mankind, and had already qualified to run the 2010 Boston Marathon.

Way to go Frayed, you deserve a blog post dedicated entirely to you.

*Update - I set a new 5K PR on my treadmill tonight. I honestly believe that following the progress of my running heroes do the Boston today, ( Over the Internet ) imagining what pain many were dealing with running up heartbreak hill, etc. helped me get past a sticking point in my own running tonight. I kept telling myself "If they can do this injured, than I can set a PR injury free."

Thank You Frayed and the others for the inspiration.


Frayed Laces said...

Holy Crap, Oscar.

I don't know what to say.

I have been so busy, but decided to start making a spreadsheet of my loyal readers so I can track them and keep track of their blogs.

You gave me goosebumps and brought tears to eyes.

I totally don't deserve that, but I must tell you I LOVE the nuclear reactor quotation. So true.

I promise you will get recognition on my blog for your awesomeness.

I keep on running because of people like you.

Oscar Yeager said...


You don't have to be famous to be a hero in my book.

If you didn't do what you did on April 20th, I wouldn't have set a new PR on that date myself, I am pretty certain.

It was only a 5K for me, but it means everything to me since I am only a 5k'er.

<<I totally don't deserve that>>

This is my blog, and If I think you deserve a post dedicated to yourself, then it is so.

Don't worry, I will continue to rib you when I sense that you are getting a little too chipper again on your own blog.