Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Always Run With Scissors:

I don't know WHY this is a good idea, I just know that it is.

How do I know?

Because when I was growing up, adults all seemed to have this bizarre phrase they would constantly, inexplicably, repeat to us kids: "Never Run With Scissors!"

Now, I don't know about you all, but to my best recollection, I have never fallen and stabbed myself while running with scissors, nor have I ever witnessed anyone else doing that either.

So, I say bull fucking shit, "ALWAYS RUN WITH SCISSORS!"

Whenever you see a pair of scissors laying around, you should immediately pick it up and just run with it. I don't care where you go, just run and go somewhere, anywhere.

For the most part, you never want to be doing what the majority of the herd is doing, you normally want to cut your own path, and having a pair of scissors around will help you do that.

With that said, it is okay to check in with the herd once in awhile, to see and get a good feel for what they are up to, which is usually plotting against the white race.


Unknown said...

haha how funny would it be to have a scissors race?

Oscar Yeager said...

Yes Laura, that would be funny, I may try it next time I enter a race, but I don't know if it will set a trend.

Perhaps if I do well enough, it may lend more credibility to my beliefs and methods, so that people will want to copy what I'm doing.

Thanks for stopping by again, and best wishes in the Boston Marathon, I hope you do well.
